Sunday, March 1, 2009

Roll With The Punches

I've been doing a great job with the training. Spinning classes twice a week and running 4 times a week to be ready for the marathon. Last Sunday during a 14 mile run I was buzzing because I was able to hold a 9 minute pace with no effort for most of the run. Then my bad luck happened, I tripped and planted my foot on some black ice.

One thing I've been scared of is getting hurt. What if I train for the 5 months and then fall off my bike 2 weeks before the race? Last Sunday got me thinking I need to be careful but also just accept the fact that it could happen and it's part of being an athlete.

My ankle was trashed. By Monday morning I couldn't even get a sock on so off to the doctor I went. X-ray was negative but diagnosis was a severe sprain, no running for 6-8 weeks. I was really depressed for @45 minutes but then I just said to myself, "Time to become a better swimmer." Since then I've swam twice and man am I out of swimming shape. But maybe this was a blessing in disguise...

The marathon isn't out just yet but I'm not attempting running for another 2 weeks at least. I'm just going to stay positive and do what I can.

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